Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thankful Thursday : Anna

So I'm starting something new, and I'm super excited for it. Each Thursday, I will be posting a new blog about something I am thankful for- a person, an event, an item, a blessing in disguise. I think from time to time we all forget to be thankful for the things we have in life, and I figured blogging about it would be a great idea to remind myself. :)

So for my first "Thankful Thursday", let me introduce to you... Miss Anna.

(Clearly this in an old photograph of me because I had BRIGHT RED hair here, haha!)

Anna and I have been friends for a very, very, VERY long time. I'd say about 13 or so years. We met through a mutual friend, started going to summer camp together, and have been inseparable since.

It's easy to say that Anna is one of the best friends I have. We've been together through some absolutely hysterical times, through boring times, through some of the hardest times we've ever had, and just everyday life. She's a person I can turn to when I need advice, if I'm bummed out, or if I just need someone to go to the beach with- but don't trust her to put suntan lotion on my back, as seen by the terrible sunburn I currently have!

On Monday Anna and I spent the night together and we talked. For hours. About life, about stress, about culture shock, about our frustrations. And after all of our talking and venting, it felt good. Good to know that not only is she someone I can turn to, but she is someone who I will always be able to turn to for probably the rest of my life. She's someone who I can spill my heart out to if I'm upset, but she is also someone who can put me in my place when I need to be told "No, you're wrong." But she's also someone I can act like a total fool around, and feel like the crazy 12 year old girl at camp again.

And for all of that, plus so much more, is the reason why she is my first Thankful Thursday.

So thank you, Anna. You're an amazing person, and I hope to have so many adventures with you. I love you, and you're absolutely the best!

A super old, and rather embarrassing photograph of me and Anna at camp... But this photo describes our friendship 110%.

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